Friday, May 9, 2008

Why Do I Love My HR Monitor

OK - So this part of my blog is going to be all about the HR monitor, i love so dearly, a special little dedication if you will - I have noticed a lot of people are interested in these you beaut little gadgets, but if your like me find all the talk about zones and thresh holds and whatnot all very confusing - well never fear! I was lucky enough to have access to a wonderful personal trainer via email who has shed a whole heap of light on things and help me understand a lot more about my body, calories, zones, heart rate targets - you name it, he answered it. His name is Daniel and he has kindly given me permission to use the information i received in this little blog - So with his words and mine , This is why I love my Polar HR Monitor!

(Oh right, yeah these are all mine - more to his later... )I love doing a workout and then pressing little buttons and having all the information right there, It tells me how long i worked out for, how many calories i burnt, my max Heart rate, my average heart rate, how long i was in the " Zone" ( More about that later)
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I love that it holds onto these little stats and if your have access to the Internet can then send them via sonic link to your PC and see a spreadsheet style of your training - Very good for those losing weight as you can look back at weeks you had good results to see the exercise you put in that week.. and for the bad ones, see what you didn't do this week, that maybe you did last week.
I love that's its super easy to use! I'm not the smartest tool in the shed when it comes to gadgets and things that beep and you have to set them etc , but this little one - Is just too easy----------
I love that it can help improve your fitness and more importantly let you see that you are.. You can track your fitness and how much your improving, improved fitness results in a lower resting heart rate ( nice to know your not pushing your heart just doing the dishes!)
I love that it cant lie - and wont lie - and that means I cant lie to myself - Ya know when your out walking and you slow down, admire some tree's , check out that guy that just ran past, laa de daa BEEP - Oh i have slowed down, time to step it up! It keeps you accountable to yourself, no more slack half hearted workouts - cause the HR Monitor, pays no sympathy - You don't get out what you wont put in - Want good stats, want to burn fat, want to improve fitness - Step it up girlie.
I love that its helping me lose weight!
Now, that's a few of the reasons why i love it... But these are some other things about my HR monitor ... Yes, there's more...
I have the Polar F6 - A pretty pink one, they come in all sorts of colors! ( Bonus)Some HR monitors have tacky chest straps that are uncomfortable and hard to wear, the polar ones are made from a soft fabric, that sits nicely doesn't rub and wont hurt you - I have left mine on for long periods and completely forgotten about it!
Polar also has a little tricky thing called the OwnZone, This feature guides you through an appropriate warm-up routine and automatically determines a safe and effective exercise heart rate zone--your OwnZone--while taking into account your current physical condition.
The Polar heart rate Monitors are compatible with a wide range of brands of cardio equipment. So as long as you have your chest strap transmitter on, you’ll get a readout on the screen of the treadmill/bike, whatever machine your on! Good if your running fast and cant stop swingin them arms to read your watch!
The F6 also has these little bullets - For every ten Min's your spend in " your target zone" - you get a little bullet on your watch - easy to keep track of how long you have been working out.. How cool is this watch??
I shall add more later about the zones and stuff!